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Your Dental Health a Year in Advance

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A bright, shiny new year awaits you – say hello to 2024! How can you make this year especially great? For us, the obvious place to start is with your health, especially your dental health. Here’s what a year centered on smile self-care might look like: 

January — We start off determined but by the time the last week of January rolls around that new diet plan/gym membership/strict budget doesn’t seem like such a great idea. The secret to keeping your resolution/s is willpower and breaking down each big commitment into actionable steps – “take a short walk five days a week” as opposed to “get fit NOW!” And keep picturing yourself as you’d like to be a year from now. Plus, make an appointment for a dental cleaning and checkup ASAP. A healthy smile enhances your wellness, confidence and – yes, even your willpower because one small positive step leads to another… and another. 

February — Who do you love? Your partner, your family, your friends, your pet – it’s all good, just make sure to include yourself in your list of loved ones. Bottom-line: the people who love you can cook you healthy meals and nudge you to get more sleep/exercise and that’s wonderful. But if you’re not committed to taking good care of you, other people’s support and actions will have a limited effect. Be your own valentine this year and treat yourself the way you’d treat someone you adore. And while you’re at it, remember that a healthy diet keeps you (and your smile) happy and strong. Skip the crazy diet plans and remember that the foods that are good for your teeth are also good for your body. 

March — Whether you’re Irish or not, this month is all about luck. Some of us believe wholeheartedly in those happy twists of fate, others take a more practical view of luck. American poet Emily Dickinson said that “Luck is not chance, it’s toil; fortune’s expensive smile is earned.” Yep, smiles can be expensive, so consider purchasing dental insurance or a dental savings plan now. Saving big on dental care with a dental savings plan may feel like luck, but it’s really just you being smart. Dental savings plan members report saving an average of 50%* on their dental care. 

See how much you can save with a dental savings plan.

Use our calculator below >

April — This month is the “cruelest month,” at least according to author T.S Eliot. To which we say, no way – April is actually a very nice month, its showers bring flowers! And usually there’s chocolate bunnies hopping around somewhere in April too. Speaking of which, now is a good time to brush up on your dental hygiene knowledge. Good news: chocolate is better for you than a lot of “healthy” snacks. Bad news: You can’t eat all the chocolates and expect to have a springtime-fresh smile. 

May — Spring has probably sprung by now (or will very soon), and – here’s a happy thought – allergy season is in full bloom, which may make your teeth more sensitive. If allergies aren’t the problem, your tooth sensitivity can be caused by numerous oral health issues, including eroded dental enamel, gum disease, or a chipped or fractured tooth. If you’ve been putting off getting the dental care you need due to budget concerns, consider a dental savings plan. 

June — June is a good time to get dental health essentials taken care of, so you don’t have to fuss about them while you’re on vacation or just enjoying those long, laid-back summer days. Book your basics ASAP: do the kids need a dental checkup (get it done now, and you’ll beat the end-of-summer rush). This is also a good time to get any long-term dental care projects started, like braces so the kids can get used to them before going back to school. And if you’re planning a long vacation this summer, get any nagging dental issues dealt with before you head out. 

July/August — as far as we’re concerned July and August are really one long month called Summer, which is both a blessing and a curse. If you’re a fan of hot, sunny days, summer is your happy time. The rest of us will just quietly count the days until Autumn. But no matter how you feel about this time of year, one thing is for sure: Summer is a time when nasty diseases and infections flourish. Hot and humid temperatures are bacteria’s favorite environment. They’ll happily infest your food, skin, and digestive system unless you defend against them. Here’s how to save yourself from summer’s scourges

September — Back to school reminds us of how much the kids in our lives have grown. And smiles are big milestones in a child’s life. From the first tooth and the first visit from the tooth fairy to those giant-sized grins after their adult teeth appear – your child’s smile is so important. Keep them happy and healthy with good at-home dental hygiene routines and regular visits to the dentist for preventive care. Below, you’ll find the ages when you can expect to see big changes in your child’s smile. But remember, every kid hits those milestones at slightly different times. If you have any concerns about your child’s dental development, check in with a dental professional or your pediatrician. 

October — What spooks you? Spiders, snakes, rodents … or the thought of what your budget will look like if you suddenly must see the dentist? Dental costs can be really scary, but we can help you out – here are some tips that will help you deal with a dental emergency even if you don’t have dental insurance. 

November — Okay, maybe your oral health isn’t the first thing on your mind when it comes to Thanksgiving. You should totally indulge a bit – it’s Thanksgiving! But you can compensate by making sure that most of your feast is healthy food. The good news is that’s not hard, since many of the traditional T-day dishes are good for your smile and overall health. 

December — Guess who loves eating holiday treats as much as you do? Friends? Yup. Family? Uh-huh. Kids? You betcha. And guess who else? The bacteria in your mouth. Yuck. How’s that for sucking the joy out of your holiday dining? Sorry! But thankfully you can enjoy the holidays without destroying your teeth with these festive smile care tips. 

Happy 2024! And no matter what month it is, you can join a dental savings plan and pay less at the dentist. DentalPlans.com is the largest marketplace for dental savings plans and dental insurance, with more than 25 plans from the most trusted brands in healthcare. These are savings you can count on, and they are accepted by over 70% of U.S. dentists and specialists nationwide. Want help choosing the best dental plan for you? Give us a call at 1-833-735-0399 or use our calculator below for a quick peek at how much you can save right now. 

*Discount Health Program consumer and provider surveys indicate average savings of 50%. Savings may vary by provider, location, and plan. 

Let’s see what you can save.

See how quickly your dental savings plan can pay for itself. We automatically add preventive care.

Who is this plan for?

Any procedures coming up?

How many family members should be included?

Select the procedures that you need.